NNR must exist as a corporation that is useful to and trusted by society. We continually work to meet our philosophy of providing confidence, comfort and enjoyment to our customers and throughout the communities. We have a top level focus on compliance and CSR. You can view our CSR reports and Anti-Bribery statement in our Resources section.

Corporate Philosophy

For our group, CSR is the execution of our corporate philosophy. We must contribute to the continuous development of the community as a “good corporate citizen”. It also means that we need to continually respond to the expectations of stakeholders while performing business activities. These stakeholders include the community, our customers, and our employees.

Internal control system

Our CSR management policies set out clearly our internal control and compliance system to cover safety, the environment and customer service. Fundamental polices for internal controls system include: Compliance, Fundamental safety, Environmental and Fundamental CS policies including Anti-Bribery.

Safeguarding the future

Our mission is to continually provide transportation which is safe and environmentally friendly so that our children can inherit an environment which is pleasant for living. Since 1992 school children have provided the cover art for our CSR reporting documents and NNR actively engages with initiatives in schools around the world.

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